Compliance and conduct | RBS

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Compliance and conduct

We are committed to ensuring the behaviour of RBS and its staff always promotes fair and appropriate customer outcomes, and that we comply with laws, regulations, rules, standards and codes of conduct. For further details of our approach to managing these issues, please refer to the Compliance & Conduct Risk section of our 2019 Annual Report & Accounts.

We have a number of tools that guide the way we work together. Our Code provides guidance on the behaviour we expect from all employees and lays out the standards of conduct that support our values. It explains what we expect of each other, and what our customers and communities expect of us.

The YES check is a simple tool that asks five questions to guide the thinking behind our decisions and actions. Our customers expect each of us to exercise good judgement and to do the right thing. We use our values to help us think through decisions and make sure we do the right thing. When in doubt, we use the YES check for guidance.


The Yes Check checklist

Read about how RBS is working to create a healthy culture Our Values Our Code (PDF)

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